Tuesday, 10 April 2007

The Importance of Living, by Lin Yutang

"This is a personal testimony, a testimony of my own experiences of thought and
life" - Lin Yutang's opening lines in the preface to "The Importance of Living"

Another of piece of classic writing by the famous Chinese writer, touching on, well, the Importance of Living. Lin from the time-tested wisdom of classical Chinese thinkers, including well-known philosophers and obscure poets, to challenge the wisdom of the modern age based on the pursuit of success and achievements. Discussing a range of aspects involved in the art of living, such as The Cult of The Idle Life, On Tea and Friendship, and The Return to Common Sense, Lin redirects a return to simplicity and contentment.

Using clever wit and style, he offers a serious challenge to many unquestioned assumptions of our prefence for the modern "civilised" lifestyle.

"The difference between trees and houses is that houses are built but trees
grow, and anything which grows is always more beautiful to look at than anything
which is built."

Nuggets of golden truth like the quote above paints a romantic picture of life lived with an eye for healthy enjoyment by the ancient Chinese, long before the logic and rational thinking of the Western world corrupted it.

A must-read for people who wish to learn to live and love life, without wasteful consumption or consumerism.

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