Monday, 8 January 2007


"I LOVE birds and hate dogs. In this, I am not queer; I am merely Chinese. It just comes natural to me, as to all Chinese."

"I hate dogs exactly because they are so human. I am naturally kind to animals, as is well proved by the fact that I cannot delibrately crush a fly. But I hate any animal that pretends to be your friend, that comes and paws all over you. I like animals that know their place, and keep their place. I prefer donkeys... Be kind to a dog, yes, but why pet him and fondle him and hug him?"
- Lin Yutang in "With Love & Irony"

I cannot disagree more with Lin, even though I have been told since young that I too am a Chinese. I LOVE my dog. The number of Chinese dog owners in Singapore, and even China itself, testifies that it is not queer for Chinese to love dogs.

Yet Lin was not merely expressing a personal opinion on the love-hate relationship with Chinese and dogs. In Chinese expressions and idioms, dog is a term used for the lowest forms of life, such as enemies, traitors and slaves. Never call a Chinese a "dog", for that would be one of the greatest insult to him.

Dogs are truly so human. Dogs are individually survivors. At the same time, they live in close-knit communities. Some display higher levels of intelligence than others. But all of them are by nature sociable and loyal. Aggressive behaviour is only cultivated through prolonged abuse or intense fear. Dogs can be more human than we are.

On the contrary, I hate people exactly because we are so animal-like. I am naturally kind to people, as is well proved by the fact that I cannot delibrately crush another person. But I hate any person who pretends to be my friend, who comes and paws all over me. I like people who know their place, and keep their place. I prefer assess...

My different position from Lin's could be explained that we live in totally different time and space. Or even, the assumption that our common origins as "Chinese", is false altogether.

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